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Sarah Compton, DVM

Growing up in Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Sarah Compton knew from a young age that she would have a career as a veterinarian. Her passion for veterinary medicine stems not only from her love of all animals but also from her innate need to help those who cannot help themselves.

Dr. Compton obtained a Bachelor’s in Biology from the University of Louisville; graduating Suma Cum Laude in 2003. From there, she moved to Auburn, Alabama following her acceptance to Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Compton and Dr. Collins met on their first day in vet school. Assigned seating in an alphabetical order meant they didn’t have to search far for a great friendship.

After receiving her DVM in 2011, Compton continued gaining knowledge and experience while working in an emergency animal clinic in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since beginning practice, she has developed clinic interests in diagnostics and surgery; in addition to obtaining advanced certification in ultrasound. In 2018 it only made sense for Dr. Collins to call on Dr. Compton when he was looking for a doctor to join him in a busy clinic. Her skills in medicine and interacting with clients are just what the clinic needed, so she packed up her bags and trekked down from Kentucky!

When not at work, Dr. Compton spends her time with her husband, human daughter, and their variety of ‘critters.’ She also enjoys gardening and cooking. Dr. Compton brings life to the clinic with her happy spirit, and her knowledge of medicine makes you feel secure in your pet’s care!